5 Lessons A Car Teaches Men About Women

In Africa, a man’s identity is tied to his car. An African man is aware that even before he opens his mouth, his car does the speaking for him. The Bible said “by their fruits, you shall know them” but in Africa, by their cars, you shall know them. A man knows the importance of…

7 Things Women Want (Part 7): Care

This is a continuation of the series, READ: Part 1: Acknowledgment Part 2: Affirmation Part 3: Attention Part 4: Affection Part 5: Security Part 6: Communication PART 7: CARE A lady wants to know for certain that you care about her. Caring connotes caring about her to the smallest element of her life. This includes her well being, her family,…

7 Things Women Want (Part 6): Communication

This is a continuation of the series, READ: Part 1: Acknowledgment Part 2: Affirmation Part 3: Attention Part 4: Affection Part 5: Security PART 6: COMMUNICATION Relationships don’t exist in a vacuum. They exist between two emotional human beings who bring their own past experiences, history, and expectations into it. Communication doesn’t only include everyday ‘surfacey’ topics like (“How were…

7 Things Women Want (Part 5): Security

This is a continuation of the series, READ: Part 1: Acknowledgment Part 2: Affirmation Part 3: Attention Part 4: Affection PART 5: SECURITY Every woman and I mean every single woman wants security. Security can be subdivided into 3 segments. A. Financial Security. B. Emotional Security. C. Physical Security. A woman desires a financial secure…

7 Things Women Want (Part 4): Affection

  This is a continuation of the series, READ: Part 1: Acknowledgment Part 2: Affirmation Part 3: Attention PART 4: AFFECTION A woman needs affection, she needs love in the total package. First of all, there should some form of affection in your words. When she calls or you call her, sound excited to hear…

7 Things Women Want (Part 3): Attention

This is a continuation of the series, READ: Part 1: Acknowledgment Part 2: Affirmation PART 3: ATTENTION Women love attention. Women need attention. Women crave for attention. Most times it doesn’t matter who gives them that attention but women love being noticed that’s why they dress well or try to look good even if they…

7 Things Women Want (Part 2): Affirmation

This is a continuation of the series, READ: Part 1: Acknowledgment PART 2: AFFIRMATION Its not a secret that women are moved by what they hear while men are moved by what they see. A woman is unsure of many things in her life. She is unsure of how she looks, how perfectly drawn her…