Please Leave Her Vagina Alone

Mary Oloiparuni was 13 when she was mutilated. Restrained in a doorway early one morning in her home, she was cut, bled profusely and experienced agonizing pain. The scarring she endured then continues to cause her pain today, 19 years later. It has made giving birth to each of her five children an excruciating and…

Sex is Definitely a Basic Instinct

Over a decade before I lost my virginity, with the uncrossing and crossing of her legs to reveal her private part, Catherine Tramell played by Sharon Stone in the 1992 movie titled​ ‘Basic Instinct’ had more or less sealed her legacy as a sex goddess and defined the sexuality of a 9 year old boy….

African Parents Are Lazy Disciplinarians

Growing up my mother was the disciplinarian in the house. Momma had a cane or two at every corner of the house. Anyone that stepped out of line was given a beating even before the offender was given room to explain his/her actions. The house was hot and every child towed a respect-yourself-or-get-a-whopping line. One…

Children, Parents and Sex Education

I was about heading to boarding school at about 11 years old when my mother called me into her room for a talk. I had no idea what she had in mind until she opened her mouth. I can’t remember all she said but one sentence stuck “you are a man now, do not get…

The Single Mother Who Gave Birth As A Virgin

I have always seen single mothers as very strong women. They might have made mistakes (like everyone of us) but from a cynics point of view, their mistake (the unexpected baby) lives with them forever and keeps getting bigger. These are women who have turned their “mistakes” to blessings. These are the women to who…

A Single Mother Shares Her Heartwarming Testimony

I have always seen single mothers as very strong women. They might have made mistakes (like everyone of us) but from a cynics point of view, their mistake (the unexpected baby) lives with them forever and keeps getting bigger. These are women who have turned their “mistakes” to blessings. These are the women to who…

Happy Mother’s Day To The Forgotten Mothers

    A little over 3 hours ago, I found out that today was actually another mother’s day while listening to a radio station (sometimes I lose count with the numerous mother’s days). Another Mother’s day comes with another opportunity to celebrate the angels we have in human form. The special set of human beings…

15 Reasons A Man Should Marry Early

It’s no secret that African men tend to get married well into their 30’s with excuses like “I haven’t found the right woman” and “I want to focus on my career first before getting married” among the pyramid of excuses they give for their delay. This article looks to address the benefits of getting married…

The Pregnancy Story: Mrs Jolomi Odusi

“Jolomi don born, she born boy” were the words that greeted me this morning as I arrived work. We weren’t expecting her to give birth till later in the month so I was so shocked/elated/happy that I didn’t know when I threw my bag into the office, jumped in the air and screamed for joy. “Guy,…

30 Parental Principles For Bringing Up A Child (Part 1 of 3)

Adolescents have their personal issues all together as documented in the article “Adolescents and Their Challenges“. These problems could be elevated or for lack of a better word “softened” if these adolescents have been guided through life with certain parental guiding principles. As the good Book says “Train up a child the way he should…