Day 24: Be Pregnant with Patience

Ask a woman desperate for a child if she wants a child, “Definitely” would most likely be her answer. A few months down the line, she conceives and in the 3rd month, you ask her, “is it okay for the baby to come out now since you can’t wait to hold your baby”. She’s probably…

Day 8: Life Without a Brake

So let’s imagine you want to travel. You arrived at the park late so you met the last bus. Everyone is rushing to enter the bus and then the driver announces, “please beware, the brake in this bus has spoilt. Enter at your own risk”. Would you still travel on the bus? But you are…


Promotion is not from abroad but from above. You can have a first class in school and live a third class life without God. Your certificate is irrelevant when God wants to bless you. Who you know to get a job is immaterial if grace is backing you. When God decides to favor you, no…

The 12 Qualities of Love

Movies have painted a picture to us of what they think love is but what love is definitely not. We have been deceived to think love is when you see someone and you just can’t control yourself, you feel butterflies in your stomach when you see or hear from that person, you can’t sleep or…