Sacrificing Beauty for Brains

Imagine a six-year-old girl. Perhaps she’s your daughter, or your niece, or even just a stranger. She is hypothetically watching ladies back stage at a beauty pageant. She sits for hours while watching them getting layers and layers of makeup put on, completely changing how they look, even getting spray tans, changing the color of…

2020: The Year of Staying Alive

Events as of 1st January 2020: ….in Jesus Name. AMEN!!! Pastor: 2020 will be your year of breakthrough in your finances. You will buy cars and build houses this year. You will travel abroad this year. Your businesses will grow and expand. For those looking for jobs, you will get jobs in oil and gas…

Coronavirus: This Movie Predicted It?

A few days back, a clip was making the rounds from a Korean movie; My Secret Terrius released in 2018 which showed a strain of coronavirus mutated by terrorists to be used as a weapon, leaving doctors desperate to find a cure. An eagle-eyed Twitter user spotted similarities between the ongoing pandemic and the fictional…

Coronavirus: Faith and Facts

Many years ago in the beautiful and expansive city of Ibadan in Nigeria. There stood a man; self acclaimed man of God called Prophet Daniel Abodunrin. Filled with the “spirit of God” and with faith, he decided to put to test the word of God. It all happened in 1991 when visitors both far and…

Coronavirus: All You Need to Know

According to the World Health Organization, COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak in Wuhan city in the Hubei province of China in December 2019. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the new coronavirus outbreak, which originated in Wuhan,…