7 Sex Lessons Mosquitoes Teach

I had just endured a horrible night with a whole feast of mosquitoes taking turns to somehow reduce the amount of blood in my body. That experience gave birth to the much read and popular “7 Relationship Lessons Mosquitoes Teach Daily“. I really didn’t envision writing another ‘mosquito’ article but then again, why not milk…

Wedding Proposals Gone Wrong

There is something magnificent about marriage proposals. You know that moment a man surprises his girlfriend in public and usually in the midst of friends. He goes down on one knee with an engagement ring in one hand and pops the question every girl longs to hear. It’s always followed with the lady covering her…

GOD: The World’s Best Wedding Planner

“If you wait till you have everything before you marry, you will not get married”. This was by far the most important advice I ever heard concerning marriage. Here I was with Mr. Kennedy listening to him as attentively as I could as he spilled words of wisdom about marriage into my subconscious. He continued,…

Lesson For The Future: Make Everybody A Somebody

Media personality, Ariyike Akinbobola shared this message this morning and it inspired me, read below: “When I was in Law school about 11 years ago, One morning as I was getting ready to go to school, my mum’s driver came to me and said my neighbour’s driver had reversed into my car. I was LIVID!…

7 Relationship Lessons Mosquitoes Teach Daily

After the torrid time I had last night trying to sleep with the added discomfort of mosquito bites and those annoying mosquito sounds all up in my ears. I woke up with three pertinent questions to ask God. So I began…… “God, why did You make mosquitoes?” He didn’t answer, so I asked my follow…

President Buhari has Finally #Rann Out of Excuses

“Sai Buhari” “Sai Baba” Those were the chants that permeated the air by optimistic fans of General Muhammad Buhari when he beat President Goodluck Jonathan in the hotly contested Nigerian Presidential Elections of 2015. In the most gracious and a very un-African move, President Goodluck Jonathan conceded defeat and congratulated the President-Elect thereby paving the…

Barack Obama’s Lasting Legacy Of HOPE

Today is the last day you would Google for the President of America and see a certain Barack Obama. By tomorrow after the inauguration of Donald Trump, Barrack Obama would seize to be the President of the World’s most powerful nation and Leader of the Free World. I remember vividly when one young black ‘big…

Day 9: Relax, Our God is An Engineer

It is Day 9 of the 21 day Prayer and Fasting…. (Click HERE to read about it) This is the second week of the Prayer and Fasting program. Click HERE for previous messages for the first week. For today, we would be taking a look at the food providing and storm calming God. I have…

Day 8: The Testimony Provoking God

It is Day 8 of the 21 day Prayer and Fasting…. (Click HERE to read about it) This is the second week of the Prayer and Fasting program. Click HERE for previous messages for the first week. For today, we would be looking at the testimony provoking God. It was one of the night services…

Day 7: The Grace Obtaining Divinity (GOD)

It is Day 7 of the 21 day Prayer and Fasting…. (Click HERE to read about it) This is the second week of the Prayer and Fasting program. Click HERE for previous messages for the first week. For today, we would be looking at the grace manufacturing factory. Whenever I look back at my life,…