The Yoruba Girl That Loved The Igbo Boy


Sometime in the 1980’s and exactly 29 days from today in the vibrant city of Onitsha in Anambra State, a beautiful young lady would give birth to my beautiful baby (humble self). Yes me.

But fortunately (I hate talking about myself), this article isn’t about me but about a joyous beauty born on this day in the early 90’s.

A girl born to a Yoruba father, an Hausa mother and dated an Igbo boy. She’s indeed special. Isn’t she?

So whose this multicultural girl?


Let me start from the day I met her.

Day: October 1st 2012, which is Nigeria’s Independence day. You still don’t think she’s special? Oya wait.

I was this tall lanky (still lanky) boy finding his bearing in England’s former World War torn city Coventry. I came to undertake my Master’s degree  program and had sworn not to even bat an eye lid to any member of the opposite sex. Never. I was here to get a Distinction. No girl was gonna stop me from achieving that dream.

Then I met her…….

I had just finished a class, strolled down to get a coffee and some biscuits (UK’s traditional meal). I was putting on a green top (representing Nigerian’s colours because it was Independence day, remember?). I sat down to take some fresh air before placing my order.

Then I saw Sisi Eko.

This dark skinned beauty with mamiwater eyes was standing on the queue.

I stood up like a man possessed, stopped right beside her on the queue like the damn coffee and biscuits mattered to me. Then the words came out.

“Hi, you look Nigerian but why on Earth aren’t you putting on anything green. Aren’t you proud of your country?” I said with a smile.

Till today, I can’t remember her reply but I recall both of us smiling like babies watching Tom and Jerry.

I invited her for an Independence Day Program I was MC-ing for the Nigerian Community in Coventry City. She was new in the country and wasn’t sure she’s was gonna attend. We exchanged contacts and left.

We met on a Monday. We saw on a Tuesday (she invited I and my friend over to her place and she fed both of us). I invited her to church on Wednesday for midweek service. We saw again on Thursday. We started dating on Friday.

It was that fast.

I spent almost 2 years in the UK and throughout she was my best friend. My cook (she taught me how to cook and made me the bad ass cook that I am today). She was a study partner. Did I forget to mention that she has an amazing voice. She was a chorister in church and I was her second biggest fan, after God. She was a shoulder to lean on. When I was broke, she lent me money (had to force her to take the money back). She was that hot smile that I needed to see me through the cold weather of the UK. She encouraged me to start this damn blog in the first place…lol. She saw me beyond the tall, quick tampered, atimes lousy boy that I was. Mind you, we had a sex-less relationship (so yes, love doesn’t need sex to work). She never took my money, always preferred to use hers. She never saw me as the Igbo boy I am, but as the man I could become. The man Nigeria would be proud of.

It’s almost 4 years since we met and a while since we broke up but the love and care an Hausa/Yoruba girl showered on an Igbo boy is a taste of what Nigeria could become if we put ethnicity aside.

Remarkable innit?

Happy Birthday Princel *Princess + Angel* (A name I gave her).

She knows herself (would rather keep her identity private. For her future husband’s sake…lol)

Have a great day and a wonderful year ahead love. God bless you and your future generations. Xo


UPDATE: After she read the article (Screenshot below)


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