Breakup Doesn’t Mean War

I celebrated my birthday today and I received calls/messages from my ex girlfriends wishing me a happy birthday with a few prayers sprinkled in. The relationship I have with my exes transcends beyond the normal an-ex-is-an-enemy mentality. I check on them once in a while and still call them the pet names I used for…

10 Reasons Nigerian Women Rush Into Marriage

It seems no matter how much a Nigerian lady has achieved, the millions she has in the bank or the impact she has made, as long as she’s not married, she’s incomplete. Sometimes I ask myself if a Nigerian woman has no identity outside marriage. The desire to fill this void has led to the…

10 Reasons Nigerian Men Are Afraid Of Marriage

Nigerian men have a knack for marrying late and on average a Nigerian man gets married at the age of 34. Its also rumored that they are afraid of marriage with the following 10 points among the reasons why Nigerian men marry late. 1. Bride price: It’s no secret that marrying a girl in Nigeria is…

30 Parental Principles For Bringing Up A Child (Part 1 of 3)

Adolescents have their personal issues all together as documented in the article “Adolescents and Their Challenges“. These problems could be elevated or for lack of a better word “softened” if these adolescents have been guided through life with certain parental guiding principles. As the good Book says “Train up a child the way he should…

30 Parental Principles For Bringing Up A Child (Part 2 of 3)

Adolescents have their personal issues all together as documented in the article “Adolescents and Their Challenges“. These problems could be elevated or for lack of a better word “softened” if these adolescents have been guided through life with certain parental guiding principles. As the good Book says “Train up a child the way he should…

30 Parental Principles For Bringing Up A Child (Part 3 of 3)

Adolescents have their personal issues all together as documented in the article “Adolescents and Their Challenges“. These problems could be elevated or for lack of a better word “softened” if these adolescents have been guided through life with certain parental guiding principles. As the good Book says “Train up a child the way he should…

Adolescents And Their Challenges

Growing up as a little boy, life was more or less stress free. Not only did I not to have to bother myself with working for my upkeep (my parents were glad to help out in that aspect) but the hardest thing I had to do then was to read for those annoying exams and…

Relationship, Sex and Marriage: Pastor E.A Adeboye Style.

The wife of the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Mrs. Foluke Adenike Adeboye marked her 67th birthday today and her husband of 47 years and Africa’s most loved preacher Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye (Daddy GO) paid her a glowing tribute on Facebook. In his own words “Happy Birthday to…

Lets Talk About Jidenna

Twitter in Nigeria has been buzzing about one Jidenna. “Who is this Jidenna and what did he/she do to get so much slander from Nigerians” was the question that came to my mind. After a few hours of research, it dawned on me that the self acclaimed Igbo-American rapper/singer had committed the ultimate blunder; talk ill…

The Relationship Between Akara And Your Character

“Akara is smelling”, I exclaimed after holding off the urge to make a comment for about 5 minutes. It was a beautiful, cold morning and two colleagues of mine had just entered the office. The smell of akara (bean cake) diffused into the atmosphere and found its way into my nostrils. “Jolomi, akara is smelling”,…