The Real Tragedy About Marriage


The real tragedy about marriage is that women always think men will change but they don’t men think women won’t change but they do. #ThinkAboutIt

Esther is in a serious relationship with Victor the serial cheat. Victor according to her is a man that finds it difficult to keep his trousers zipped whenever there is a hot blooded female in sight. She has cried, begged, yelled, shouted and even prayed, all to no avail. Against the advice of friends and family, she ended up tying the knot with him in a talk-of-the-town wedding but months down the line, Victor hasn’t changed as she wished.
Guess she never heard the saying; women always think men will change but they don’t men think women won’t change but they do.

Bode recently proposed to Kate, the love of his life. According to him, Kate’s homeliness, motherliness, caring attitude and tenderness were the major reasons he decided to settle down with her. Fast forward six months into the marriage and Kate’s true colors have emerged. She is no longer the homely, motherly and tender lady he married, she has become feisty and quarrelsome. All of a sudden, it dawned on Bode that Kate was putting up a front all along. Guess he never heard the saying; women always think men will change but they don’t men think women won’t change but they do.

“What happened to your face?” Bukky asked her bestie Joan. “It’s him again” she replied. The regularity of Michael’s assault on his wife bothered Bukky but what bothered her more was the timing of the assault by her husband because Joan was 6 months pregnant with her first child. With tears in her eyes, Joan replied “I thought he will change”. Guess she never heard the saying; women always think men will change but they don’t men think women won’t change but they do.

Ngozi got married to her heartthrob Chijioke a little over 10 years ago. Ngozi was in her twenties and fresh out of school when she got married. A 6ft tall, light skinned, full chested lady with the hips of a goddess. Every man wanted a piece of Ngozi but Chijioke’s charm, intellect and gentility made sure he not only got a piece of her, he had the whole damn cake to himself. After four adorable kids, Ngozi’s once mermaid-like body has taken a pounding. Chijioke couldn’t understand why his wife’s once smooth skin is riddled with stretch marks and her once flat tummy is big and plumpy. He takes it out on her often branding her lazy concerning her looks and wishes she put in more effort to look as flawless as she once was.
Guess he never heard the saying; women always think men will change but they don’t men think women won’t change but they do.

Ladies, you are not capable of changing any man, only God can undertake and successfully complete that task.
Men, hoping your woman never changes is like hoping you live forever.
But what ever you do, always remember the real tragedy about marriage:

Women always think men will change but they don’t.
Men think women won’t change but they do.

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