Survey: 50 Ladies Build Their Men With $5 (See Results)

The question that has troubled the gods, perplexed scientists, baffled men and flabbergasted women is “what do women want from men?”. To try and find out, I gave 50 ladies, $5 each to build their dream “man” given the following qualities with their respective price tags; Handsome ($3) Well dressed ($2) Funny ($1) Smart ($1) Great…

Getting A Girl 301: 3 Things You Need

Getting a girl(s) have absolutely nothing to do with handsomeness or height or money. Not that all the aforemnetioned don’t help but everything needed to get a girl lies within not on the outside. To ut this in context, I was voted finest boy in class twice between JSS1 and SS2. I was always the…

The Real Tragedy About Marriage

The real tragedy about marriage is that women always think men will change but they don’t men think women won’t change but they do. #ThinkAboutIt Esther is in a serious relationship with Victor the serial cheat. Victor according to her is a man that finds it difficult to keep his trousers zipped whenever there is…

Is Missionary The Only Holy Sexual Position As a Pastor Said?

During the course of the week, a video by a UK based Pastor Olugbenga Oladejo went viral where he spoke of his revelation from God about “sexual sins” committed by married couples. In his words, the Lord said amongst other things that “God’s children are confused, so they must be warned about these sins that…

The “Chop and Clean Mouth” Mentality of Nigerian Girls

So I was bamboozling my way through the highly addictive and informative gossip blog owned by Nigeria’s number one blogger Linda Ikeji when I came across a news report of note.The story therein centers around a man and a young lady. Apparently, this man met a young lady at the VIP section of a club,…

7 Reasons Men Ask For Sex More Than Women

The biggest sexual misconception is that men enjoy sex more than women. This notion has always been propagated by people that link frequency with level of enjoyment. So because men tend to demand for sex more than women, means they enjoy it more. Women enjoy sex more than women but men want it more than…

7 Reasons Women Moan During Sex

The ultimate sex question is why women moan so much during sex? It’s a question that had puzzled men and even women. Why the grunts, the oooooo yes, the ooooooos, the aaahhhhhs. Men could be vocal during sex but women are usually known to be more vocal during sex. The question is, why? Why are…

7 Reasons Ladies Like Money

1. Financial security: It’s no secret that money makes the World go round. No matter how much you preach love or affection to a smart girl, if your money is not backing your words, then forget it. My Naija ladies would tell you “na love we go chop?”, “does love pay the bills?”, will we…