Understanding Sexual Intercourse 101 For Teenagers

Sex is one of the most pleasurable things a human being could ever indulge in. Great sex gets you in a mental state that no form of drug or feeling could achieve. God created human beings with two amazing body parts, one for the man which is outside the body while that for the woman…

Life Lessons Learnt From The Man Utd vs Chelsea Game

Manchester United have struggled to live up to expectations this season even after forking out over £150 million (₦40 billion) on new players over the summer. A season maligned with a 0-4 destruction at the hands of MK Dons of the League One in the Carling Cup coupled with the 3-5 drubbing at the hands…

A Man’s Role in His Woman’s Life

It’s a Man’s World but its the Woman that makes it tick. Men are different from women in so many ways from physical to emotional and that’s what makes each gender unique and incomparable. God intentionally deposited giftings deficient in the man into the woman. Therefore both genders need each other to live a fulfilled…

A Woman’s Role in Her Man’s Life

Women are amazing. Women are a breath of fresh air in the testosterone filled world of men. Women bring a level of organization, sophistication, tenderness, softness, sweetness, tenderness that men will forever lack. Women have long been marginalized, made to believe that they are inferior to men and often considered the ‘weaker sex’. This level…

How To Handle Pain Using The Bum Smacking Technique

I was watching a documentary on child birth when I saw that almost every child that exited their mother’s birth canal was immediately smacked in the bum. As the baby is hit on the bum, it begins to cry and there was this evil smile on the mid wife’s face. As first I was like…

Ladies Only: 15 Ways To Take Good Care Of Your Breasts

Today (13/10/14) is World Breast Cancer Day 2014 and to mark this momentous occasion, all ladies are admonished to go bra-less today. If you have double D’s please don’t attempt it because you might cause havoc in public. But on a serious note, breast cancer has claimed the lives of millions and according to research,…

Ladies Only: 15 Rounds of Painful Sex For Girls

Is sex really painful for ladies? Yes it is. The truth is that premarital sex for girls is mostly painful (mentally and physically) or eventually ends up in pain. My advice, remain celibate or keep your virginity as the case may be. You doubt me? Let’s take a look at the 12 rounds of painful…

10 Things I Look For In My Dream Woman

This is a personal list of 10 things that I look for in my wife to be. It might sound outrageous to some people but leave am for me like that *tongue out*. So let’s proceed: 1. Someone once asked me if I was a boobs guy or an ass guy meaning do I prefer…

30 Annoyingly Funny Personal Quotes (Jokes)

I can’t explain to how I get the inspiration to write such annoyingly funny but true quote/jokes. They just come to me occasionally and when they do, I pen them down so as not to forget. Below are some of them. 1. What bra has joined together, let no man whose not the husband put…

Your Anger is Like A Woman’s Nipples (Guard It Jealously)

No matter how much cleavage or side boobs a woman reveals, as long as you haven’t seen her nipples, you haven’t seen her nakedness. Nipples is the femininity of a woman because that’s what feeds a baby and it also feeds her husband *wink*. In that light, boobs can be likened to someone’s temperament while…